Thursday, January 7, 2010

Netpartner networks

Netpartner is one of the leading cpa networks. I m sure you already know what cpa is? incase you dont know, let me quickly explain what cpa means.

cpa is an acronym for "cost per action". It is a system whereby an affiliate refers people to sign up for offers. The affiliate get paid certain amount whether the person refered buys or not, once he/she has been able to perform the required obligations which could range from downloading of free ringing tones, free ebooks, mp3, to different other numerous offers.

Having briefly defined what a cpa is, we should now come back to why i classified and rated netpartner so high.

I was told about netpartner by a friend who is also a cpa affiliate, and i decided to see what their mode of operation was.

Sir Richard Branson(chairman virgin group) emphasized in his book- business stripped bare, that two things are most important elements in any system- Attention to detail and Good communication.

The above reference was brought out of the fact that after applying as an affiliate on netpartner, these two important elements were what i got, as in less than 48 hours, i got a response to my application.

An affiliete manager was assigned to me and he contacted me with some clearly started instructions on what to do to have my account activated.

These two important elements exhibited by netpartner is what i sum-up as good administrative system and you will agree with me that any organisation with good administrative mode of operation will certainly be ranked high.

Another quality that netparner has is that it is very easy to join. I have applied and sign up with a lot of cpa networks in the past but i must tell you that netpartner is relatively easy to join.

You can visit their website at to join as an affiliate or to know more about their offers.

Created and posted by: ARIYO LATEEF FOLORUNSHO

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